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Federal public defenders warn of budget crisis
“That only works if we get money to replace the money we're spending.” He added: “This is not a defense-versus-prosecutors thing, or judges-verses-defense thing. The system doesn't work if any one of the legs of the stool is not able to hold things up.
Read more on San Angelo Standard Times

Baseball Wives star Anna Benson arrested after raiding Kris Benson's home
TMZ reports that Kris Benson appeased his baton-wielding wife by saying he was leaving to get money, while he called police instead. Anna Benson, a former model and exotic dancer, starred on VH1's Baseball Wives in 2011 and 2012. She was called …
Read more on Toronto Star

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd with Yirrkala indigenous leaders for the 50th
''We want to develop our country, and we want to get money out of our own soil,'' he said. When it was his turn to speak, Mr Rudd departed from his notes to respond to Mr Yunupingu's call, saying he wanted to engage with elders on ''how you can make …
Read more on Sydney Morning Herald

How to Launch a Hardware Startup, Part 1
Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo make it possible to avoid the chicken-and-egg situation of needing money to prove the market but not being able to get money without a proven concept. With a great YouTube video, a working …
Read more on EE Times

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